
Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy

 A week ago or so, I was looking through some old notebooks and journals from college and came across the following poem/song:
Let me live in the sun
the years I have,
let me walk in the rain
the years I have.
Live long enough to tell my love
to everyone I love.
Live long enough to bake a brick
for the house we share.
Let me fight like a tiger
and leave something pretty
like a moon snail
on the common beach.
These lines come from Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time, a book I remember as terribly important to my becoming self all those many years ago.  I wanted to get it reread, but I didn't make time for it, so it is going back to the library now; however, I hope recording the words here will remind me to check it out again, to see how it and I have changed over the years.  One thing I know has not changed: my love for these lines. What do you think?  Can they be considered part of the National Poetry Month conversation?  I think we should seek poetry in all places and acknowledge it wherever it is found.


  1. One of my favorite books from my college years too. I have my copy still, being an inveterate hoarder and it is due a reread sometime soon. It doesn't get name checked as often as it deserves, I feel.

    1. Although my husband and I both had this book in college (we were dating at the time), somehow neither copy has survived in our possession. I know I gave mine to my beloved roommate after loving it so much. I think my husband loaned his to his mother, but she got rid of it at some point. Anyhow, this is one we should have held on to, so I guess I'll be on the lookout for another copy!

  2. They're beautiful lines! I haven't read them before but I can see why they stuck with you during those years (and have continued to do so). I'll have to look into Piercy's work.

    1. As Seamus said, you never hear about Piercy. She's a little out there at times, but this book has remained extremely important to me, at least in memory. I'll try to read it again soon and give a full report.

  3. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Haven't heard of Piercy either but that poem is truly beautiful.
